

An hour and a half

The Wannsee Conference only lasted about ninety minutes. Heydrich started by giving an account of anti jewish measures that have been taken since 1933. He also produced reports on Jewish emigration since the Nazis siezed power in Germany and Austria. Heydrich moved on to the present and summarized the" jewish problem" and shared his vision of the "final solution". "Under proper guidance, in the course of the final solution the Jews are to be allocated for appropriate labor in the East. Able-bodied Jews, separated according to sex, will be taken in large work columns to these areas for work on roads, in the course of which action doubtless a large portion will be eliminated by natural causes. The possible final remnant will, since it will undoubtedly consist of the most resistant portion, have to be treated accordingly, because it is the product of natural selection and would, if released, act as the seed of a new Jewish revival" Heydrichs words are clear; he wanted them dead one way or the other.The method that was to be used was not yet clear,but the fate of millions of people were sealed on that day.

The Wannsee Conference

The Wannsee Conference held at The villa on Wannsee, (January 20, 1942, during World War II) was a high level ministerial meeting of German civilian government and SS officials convened by Reinhard Heydrich, to bring together the leaders of the German organizations whose cooperation was necessary to carry out the Nazi plan for the extermination of the entire Jewish population of Europe and to make it clear to these other German ministers that this "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" was a strategic imperative of the Third Reich.

He also had to make it clear why he needed so many vital resources that could other wise used for the German war effort.

The participants of the Conference (click on image for information)
Adolph Eichmann Dr Alfred Meyer Dr Eberhardt Schongarth Dr Gehard Klopfer

SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Adolf Eichman.

Gauleiter Dr Alfred Meyer.

SS-Oberfuhrer Dr Karl Eberhard Schongarth

SA-Oberfuhrer Dr Gerhard Klopfer

Dr Georg Leibbrand Dr Welhelm Stuckart Dr. Roland Freisler. Dr. Rudolf lange

Reichsamtleiter Dr Georg Leibbrandt

Dr Wilhelm Stuckart Ministry for the Interior

Dr Roland Freisler Ministry of Justice

SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Dr Rudolf Lange

Dr.Josef Buehler Erich Neumann Heinrich Muller Martin luther

Dr Josef Buhler

Erich Neumann Director of Four Year Plan

SS-Gruppenfuhrer Heinrich Mller RSHA

Dr Martin Luther Foreign Office

Otto Hofmann Reinhardt Heydrich Wilhelm Kritzinge Wannsee Protocol

SS-Gruppenfuhrer Otto Hofmann RuSHA

SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich

Ministerialdirektor Friedrich Wilhelm Kritzinger.

Himmler's Revelation in 1943

Almost two years after the Wannsee Conference Himmler gave a speech, here is an exert :

Gentlemen, it is much easier in many cases to go into combat with a company than to suppress an obstructive population of low cultural level, or to carry out executions or to haul away people or to evict crying and hysterical women.'One principle must be absolute for the SS man: we must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood and to no one else. What happens to the Russians, what happens to the Czechs, is a matter of utter indifference to me.

Such good blood of our own kind as there may be among the nations we shall acquire for ourselves, if necessary by taking away the children and bringing them up among us. Whether the other peoples live in comfort or perish of hunger interests me only in so far as we need them as slaves for our Kultur. Whether or not 10,000 Russian women collapse from exhaustion while digging a tank ditch interests me only in so far as the tank ditch is completed for Germany. We shall never be rough or heartless where it is not necessary; that is clear. We Germans, who are the only people in the world who have a decent attitude to animals, will also adopt a decent attitude to these human animals, but it is a crime against our own blood to worry about them and to bring them ideals.

I shall speak to you here with all frankness of a very grave matter. Among ourselves it should be mentioned quite frankly, and yet we will never speak of it publicly. I mean the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. Most of you know what it means to see a hundred corpses lying together, five hundred, or a thousand. To have stuck it out and at the same time - apart from exceptions caused by human weakness - to have remained decent fellows, that is what has made us hard. This is a page of glory in our history which has never been written.'