
March 7, 1904 Reinhard Heydrich is born in Halle an der Saale, in the German state of Saxony.

Spring 1922Heydrich receives his high school diploma.

March 30, 1922 Heydrich enlists in the German navy.

April 1931 Hedyrich is compelled to resign from the navy after being found to have dishonored the officer corps.

August 1931 Reich Leader of the SS Heinrich Himmler brings Heydrich into the SS and tasks him with developing the SD.

December 26, 1931
Heydrich marries Lina von Osten, whom he met the previous year.

January 1933 The Nazis take control of Germany with the appointment of Adolf Hitler as Chancellor.

April 1, 1933 Himmler, commander of the Bavarian political police detective force, appoints Heydrich as his deputy.

June 1934 Nazi party Deputy Chief Rudolf Hess names the SD the sole agency authorized to gather political intelligence inside the Third Reich.

July 1934 Heydrich takes command of the Gestapo while remaining chief of the SD.

June 26, 1936 Himmler appoints Heydrich chief of the Security Police Main Office

January 24, 1939 Hermann Goring authorizes Heydrich to develop plans for a solution to the Jewish question in Germany.

September 1, 1939
Germany Starts WW2

September 27, 1939
Himmler appoints Heydrich to command the RSHA, which formally links the Security Police and SD.

June 22, 1941 Nazi Germany invades the Soviet Union. Under orders from Heydrich, the Einsatzgruppen of the Security Police and SD follow the German army and begin to systematically kill Jews.

July 31, 1941 Goring authorizes Heydrich to coordinate resources of the Reich for a solution of the Jewish Question throughout Europe.

September 1941 Hitler appoints Heydrich Acting Reich Protector for the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia

January 20, 1942 Heydrich convenes the Wannsee Conference, presenting his plans to coordinate a European-wide Final Solution of the Jewish Question to key officials from Reich Ministries.

Something else
SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Heydrich

During his relatively short life, Heydrich became a controversial, enigmatic character, and ingenious diplomatic negotiator. His subordinates were often amazed at the extent of his memory and his ability to quickly understand difficult

reports which had taken hours to prepare. Heydrich's breadth of talent excelled beyond his Party and government posts, to the sports field and musical arts.

Labeled as the author of the "final solution" to the Jewish question, Heydrich will be remembered as one of the most Evil Ruthless people in 20th century.


Assasinated at the peak of his success, SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Heydrich was afforded a state funeral in the Mosaic Room of the new Reich Cancellery. The Fuhrer and Reichchancellor of the Third German Reich, Adolf Hitler, patted the cheeks of the dead mans' children, and absentmindedly muttered "Heydrich, he was a man with a heart of iron". Eleven years before his death, at the age of 27, Heydrich was an unemployed, ex-naval officer with little or no prospects. How could he have attained the position as possible heir apparent to the most powerful man in Europe - Adolf Hitler.


Reinhard Heydrich was the first director of The RSHA, or Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Security Head Office, also Reich Security Main Office) The RSHA was created by Heinrich Himmler on September 22, 1939 through the merger of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD, or Security Agency), the Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo, Secret State Police), and the Kriminalpolizei (Criminal Police). The organization's stated duty was to fight all "enemies of the Reich" within and outside the borders of Nazi Germany.

Nazis considered Communists, Social Democrats, and trade unionists as enemies of the state. Nazi racial ideology primarily vilified Jews and they were on the top of Heydrich's list.

Organized Mass Murder

RSHA main office in BerlinFrom his new position he organized genocidal actions in Poland. He organized the Einsatzgruppen mobile units that rounded up politicians, intellectuals, clergy, the aristocracy, and others. Any remaining Poles were destined for enslavement. Upwards of a million Polish and Soviet Jews alone, were killed by these squads. When Russia was invaded, his Einsatzgruppen were sent in to kill off any possible resistance, including anyone who was communist. He also, with the help of Adolf Eichmann, began mass deportation of Jews from Germany and Austria to ghettoes in Poland. Ones in Soviet territory were often killed outright by the units (as many as 1,300,000 by the end of the war). This was to achieve the goal of Germanising the annexed regions and making the Reich Jew-free (judenrein).

With the September 1941 decision to deport the German and Austrian Jews to the occupied Polish and Soviet areas while the war was still going on, the last barrier to all-out genocide fell.  Einsatzkommand

The RSHA were looking for more efficient ways of wiping out the Jewish population of Europe. Mass shootings and executions carried out by the Einsatzgruppen or mobile killing units would be replaced by the Gas Chambers a more organized method of killing.The extermination centers were established in occupied Poland. Millions more were to die in "Factories" especially designed for mass murder.

The largest Nazi Extermination Camps were :


Location and amount of People Murdered :
Auschwitz 1,200,000
Belzek 600,000
Sobior 250,000
Treblinka 700,000
Majdanek 1,380,000
Stutthof 65,000
Chelmo 320,000